How to Set Up Activate RDS CALs on Windows Server 2012 R2
Set up the Remote Desktop Licensing role service and Remote Desktop Session Host with the following instructions:
Installing the Remote Desktop Licensing Role.
- Launch Server Manager. Click on Windows and select Server Manager.
- Click Manage and then select Add Roles and Features.
- In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, click Next.
- Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.
- Select the server where the roles will be installed and click Next.
- On the Select server roles page, check the Remote Desktop Services box and click Next.
- On the Select Features page, tick the Remote Server Administration Tools box.
- After selecting, click Add Features.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Tick the boxes for Remote Desktop Licensing and Remote Desktop Session Host, then click Next.
- For the web server role, click Next.
- In the Select role services option, click Next.
- Tick the box for Automatically restart and click Install. Wait for the roles to be installed.
- After the roles are installed, proceed to use your remote desktop service.

Activating the Licensing Server
- Click Tools in the top right corner, then select Terminal Services and click Remote Desktop Licensing Manager.
- Right-click on the server and select Activate Server.
- The server activation wizard will launch. Click Next.
- Select the automatic connection method and click Next.
- Enter the required details (first name, last name, region, and company name). Click Next.
- Enter the company details and click Next.
- Activation of the licensing server is complete. Click Next to start installing the license.
- Review your server configuration and click Next.
- In the License Program, select License Pack (Retail Purchase). Click Next.
- Enter your RDS CALs product key and click Add.
- Once the license is recognised, click Next.
- The license installation wizard will confirm successful installation. Click Finish.
- Your licensing server is now ready to issue and manage licenses. Check the server name to see the available licenses and those issued. Initially, it should show zero.